Why you should eat breakfast

Brekkie skippers, beware! We reveal what makes the first meal of the day so important for your health.

What if someone told you that one simple step could cut several risk factors related to heart disease,diabetes coupled together with maintaining a healthy weight which helps to fight those junk food cravings? Would you do it? Of course you would. So here it is: eat breakfast!

A good daily breakfast helps with all of those things, yet sadly, only a few percentile regularly miss this important start to the day. Plus, a good 40 per cent of young women skip breakfast at least once a week.

What’s so bad about skipping breakfast?

Research proves the benefits of starting your day with a good brekkie. A 20-year study found that skipping breakfast from childhood onwards results in more fat around the waist and high blood levels of insulin and cholesterol – all factors that significantly raise the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Breakfast eaters also tend to eat less junk food during the day and have a higher overall nutrient intake.

The take-home message? To get your body going for the day, increase your general health and reduce your risk of weight gain, start every day with breakfast.

What makes a healthy breakfast?

There’s more to breakfast than just a box of cereal. Try including a combo of these foods for a healthy morning meal.

Fruit: Eat low carb fruit that’s in season ~ so opt for fruit rather than fruit juice.

Protein: The protein in your breakfast helps you feel satisfied for longer. Good sources include eggs.

Carbs: Slowly digested carbs are best – think melba or grisini toast.

Add vegetables

It’s much easier to meet the recommended daily five serves of vegies if you include some at breakfast. Try these tasty ideas.

Serve grilled tomatoes and mushrooms.
Go Turkish with a pile of chopped tomatoes and cucumber with a boiled egg.
Serve an omelette with baby spinach and cherry tomatoes.

The variations are enormous when it comes to eating a healthy breakfast, and we have a load of different food combinations for you that enables a good start to the day.

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