The hcg Diet Plan in a nutshell

The HCG diet offers some pretty substantial results, if followed accurately and faithfully. Dieters often find that they lose anywhere from 0.5kgs per day whilst on the HCG diet, and anywhere from 12 kgs per month. With people reporting weight loss results like that, it’s no wonder that one of the most frequently asked questions online is: does the HCG diet work?

If you’ve found yourself wondering the same thing, there are a number of places you can go to get HCG diet information and find out the answer for yourself.

The first thing you will need to know, though, is how the HCG diet works. HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that is naturally found in pregnant women. During pregnancy, women produce the HCG hormone in order to assist in the development of the fetus as well as help ensure a successful pregnancy resulting in a healthy child. HCG has two primary functions, the first one being to develop the sexual organs of the fetus. Both male and female fetuses require HCG in order to develop sexually. Without this hormone, the human race itself would not exist as there would be no way to procreate. The second function HCG provides is in helping ensure that there are adequate nutrients and calories available for both the mother and child-to-be during pregnancy.

HCG does this by stimulating the hypothalamus to produce chemicals that release stores of fat into the bloodstream to be burned as energy. During this process, nutrients that are normally stored in fat are also released into the bloodstream, helping to provide sustenance to the mother and growing fetus. When pregnancy is not present, HCG still causes the release of fat stores into the bloodstream, and this is where it is important for those on the HCG diet.

In conjunction with a low carb diet, HCG will elicit rapid weight loss in those who supplement it it in their daily diet. Eating a low carb diet might seem like a difficult task, however one thing you can take to heart is that  (phase 2) only lasts as long as you need to lose your weight mass. After that, daily caloric content is increased back to normal levels. It’s important to note, though, that these “normal calorie levels” are not what you were eating prior to beginning the HCG diet. If you find yourself wanting or needing to lose weight, then it goes without saying that your daily caloric intake was too high, causing you to store excess calories as fat. In order to keep the weight off after completing the HCG diet plan, it’s imperative that you move forward eating a healthy, balanced diet.

Most negative reports of the HCG diet being ineffective usually stem from people making this mistake. Once they lose weight, they go right back to eating the same way they did before and put the weight right back on. Other times, it’s because people fail to follow the HCG diet protocol correctly.

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