Chicken Soup
There’s hard science behind Grandma’s favorite cold remedy. Homemade chicken soup really can ease your symptoms and may help you get well sooner. What’s more, there’s a chemical in it called carnosine that can protect your body from the flu virus. 
Since colds are believed to be caused by viral infections in the upper respiratory tract, research has suggested the ingredients in the soup slows white blood cells from gathering in the lungs, therefore slowing the progress of irritating side effects, like coughing, sneezing, and a stuffy, runny nose.

Used in Ancient Times The idea that chicken soup, often dubbed the “Jewish penicillin,” has medicinal effects dates back to ancient times, but modern scientists have never fully deciphered the reasons.

Some doctors believe that the soup’s benefits are mainly psychosomatic, that it’s the ultimate comfort food. Others say the steaming hot soup clears congestion and provides the body with necessary hydration to flush out viral bugs.

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